Graduate Relations

We say that Phi Gamma Delta is “not for college days alone.” Our brothers may graduate from their college, but they never graduate from Phi Gamma Delta. They carry with them throughout their lives the friendships they form, the skills they develop, and the experiences they have as undergraduate members of the Fraternity. And they have the opportunity for continuing active involvement beyond college.


Graduate brothers can come back to the Rho Alpha chapter house any time they wish. In addition, we have several events encouraging previous graduates to make a return visit. We host our Grad-Party once a year, with the intention of catching up with old faces and reminding them how to have a good time.


On top of this, our annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner event is one of the best opportunities for graduate brothers to make their way back to Blacksburg. Pig Dinner serves as our formals, and is a great way for the undergraduates to network and build friendships with older Fiji’s.